Giving up control over sexuality, life or everything
No-limits, EPE , 24/7 & TPE
Give me control and I will use it wisely
One of my biggest kinks is to get the full control over a woman and her desires. This is why my minimum requirement is always EPE (Erotic Power Exchange) meaning that all the decisions over sexuality and the erotic side of life is being transferred to me as the dominant.
Way more powerful connections between a dominant and a submissive exists when the whole power is transferred. This means that a dominant gets to decide on erotic aspects but also on the rest of the life.
These TPE (Total Power Exchange – 24/7) connections can be also exploited and this also lead to a bad reputation for it. But in general are TPE commitments or 24/7 commitments about trust and love. If both sides feel that there is a common basis and a connection, then giving up the control to sexuality and life decisions will lead to a strong bond between Dom and sub as the Dom needs to really understand the sub to decide what is best for her in every aspect.
A Special Case – “no-Limits”
No-Limits is a special kind of power exchange. It can be also included in the CIS (Complete Irrevocable Submission). This is when there are no hardlimits for the Dom, when the sub accepts the full control of the dominant and also agrees to not have safe-words or other escapes.
No-Limits only works if both have a good understanding of each other and there is mutual respect and trust.
Give me control over your sexuality
Erotic Power Exchange (EPE) is the minimum I ask from my subs, slaves and property. This ensures to give me full control over the sexual interactions, sexual desires, masturbation but also orgasms.

Give me power over you and your mind
TPE & 24/7
Way more intense and also needs more interaction between sub and Dom. TPE gives the Dom a deeper insight into the life of a sub, the sub offers herself in the full spectrum to the Dom and also is ensured that the Dom will make the best decisions for her to grow her and make her better.
Give me control over your sexuality
I love to be creative and the more you give yourself to me, the more protective and caring I get. No-limits is the maximum trust and power you can give me and will be also specially rewarded. I will have complete irrevocable power over you, can do everything I want and will decide every aspect – You will be 100% mine, without limitation.

Get the most experienced master and owner
Choose me as
your Dom
You don’t want to submit yourself to a beta dominant. You want an alpha dominant male that is successful in business, private and BDSM life. I will give you the necessary guidance, strict dominance and also experience you will need to thrive as a slave and my property.
With my broad experience and deep knowledge I will train you perfectly. You can expect a very demanding, strict and controlling Dom that knows how to take care of his property and to nurture it to become the best slave and property. I will take care to improve you till I become proud of you.
Attention & Care
I choose my slaves and property wisely. No matter if you apply as object, slave, doll, pet or anything else. When you give me full control over you I will give you also lots of attention and also care. When I own something I really take good care of it and will also make sure to improve it every day. You will be in good and experienced hands.
The Different BDSM POwer Dynamics
EPE, TPE, 24/7 and No-Limits
Some of these terminologies might be confusing but here is a quick summary of the most important power exchanges in BDSM:
Erotic Power Exchange (EPE): A form of power exchange in BDSM where partners consensually exchange power within a specific context or scene. The exchange of power is typically limited to the specific scene or activity, and the partners may switch roles or engage in other forms of power exchange in different contexts.
Total Power Exchange (TPE): A more extreme form of power exchange where one partner surrenders complete control to the other partner in all aspects of their life. This can include decisions about daily activities, personal appearance, behavior, and more.
24/7: A long-term, ongoing power exchange in which the dominant partner has control over the submissive partner’s life on a full-time basis. This can include a variety of different aspects of the submissive partner’s life, such as their work, personal relationships, and more. It is different from TPE in that TPE is more extreme and comprehensive, while 24/7 is more of a lifestyle choice.
No-Limits: A form of power exchange where the partners have agreed to engage in any activity or practice that they both desire, regardless of how unconventional or extreme it may be. This requires a high level of trust, communication and mutual consent.
Erotic Power Exchange (EPE)
Erotic Power Exchange (EPE) is a form of power exchange in BDSM that primarily focuses on the sexual aspect of a relationship. It involves consenting partners taking on specific roles, where one partner holds power, and the other partner submits to it. This power exchange is limited to the particular scene or activity and can take many forms, such as role-playing, sensation play, and more.
It’s essential to establish clear boundaries and communicate openly with each other before, during, and after any BDSM activity to ensure that all parties involved are comfortable and safe. Especially for beginners, it is advised to establish a safe word in case any parties change their minds or feel uncomfortable during the scene.
It’s important to note that EPE is not about control or manipulation in the private life outside of the agreed scene but about exploring and pushing personal boundaries within a consensual and safe framework in the sexual aspect of the relationship.
Daily tasks and also duties can be part of EPE BDSM relationships. There is no strict limitation where sexuality and personal life begin, so clear communication is of utmost importance, so both have the same understanding.
Total Power Exchange (TPE)
Total Power Exchange (TPE) is a more extreme form of power exchange in BDSM where one partner surrenders complete control to the other partner in all aspects of their life. This can include decisions about daily activities, personal appearance, behavior, and more. It is a lifestyle choice that requires a high level of trust, communication, and mutual consent.
Here are five examples of what TPE can look like in a BDSM relationship:
- The submissive partner gives the dominant partner complete control over their daily schedule, including when they wake up, eat, and go to bed.
- The submissive partner gives the dominant partner complete control over their appearance, including what they wear, how they style their hair, and how they groom themselves.
- The submissive partner gives the dominant partner complete control over their finances, including how they spend and save money.
- The submissive partner gives the dominant partner complete control over their career choices, including what job they take, how they perform at work, and how they interact with colleagues.
- The submissive partner gives the dominant partner complete control over their sexual activities and desires, including when and how they engage in sexual activity and what sexual acts they are willing to perform.
It’s important to note that TPE can be a very intense and demanding lifestyle, requiring a high level of trust, communication, and mutual consent between partners.
Establishing clear boundaries and guidelines before engaging in TPE and having regular check-ins to ensure that both partners are still comfortable with the power dynamic. Especially beginners should be careful when going into TPE BDSM relationship dynamics, as there is much room for misunderstanding and, worst case, even abuse.
It’s also important to remember that TPE is not for everyone, and it’s essential to have open and honest communication with your partner to determine if it would suit your relationship. Remembering that TPE should always be consensual and never involve non-consensual or non-safe activities is vital.
It’s essential also to note that TPE is not about control or manipulation in the private life outside of the agreed scene but about exploring and pushing personal boundaries within a consensual and safe framework in the lifestyle aspect of the relationship.
24/7 & Full control – (24h hours a day, 7 days a week)
In BDSM, “24/7” refers to a lifestyle dynamic where the power exchange between partners is ongoing and not limited to specific scenes or activities. The dominant partner holds power and control over the submissive partner at all times, including during everyday activities and interactions, not only during specific BDSM scenes, and is therefore similar to TPE but without limitations.
This can include the submissive partner addressing the dominant partner with specific titles, following specific rules and protocols, and being subject to discipline or punishment for any rule-breaking.
It’s important to note again that 24/7 is different from Total Power Exchange (TPE) in that it is not necessarily all-encompassing and may only apply to specific areas of the submissive’s life, such as in the bedroom or regarding particular rules or protocols. It is also essential to establish clear boundaries and guidelines and regularly check in with each other to make sure both partners are comfortable with the dynamic.
It’s also essential to remember that, like TPE and all forms of BDSM, 24/7 should always be consensual and never involve non-consensual or non-safe activities. It’s vital to have open and honest communication with your partner to determine if it would be suitable for your relationship. Trust needs to be built, especially for submissives.
24/7 is one of the most demanding roles for the dominant part as the responsibility is significant, and the chances for failure are imminent. And therefore, it is advised to only get into 24/7 relationships with experienced partners, clear contracts, clear understanding of the dom/sub, and expectations.
No-Limits – Complete Freedom for the Dom
“No-limits” is a term often used in the BDSM community to describe a dynamic where the submissive partner is willing to participate in any activity or scenario that the dominant partner desires without any pre-established boundaries or limits. This can include extreme pain play, humiliation, or even illegal activities.
It’s important to note that “no-limits” does not mean that anything goes and that non-consensual or non-safe activities are never allowed. It’s still important to establish clear boundaries and guidelines and communicate openly and honestly with your partner about unacceptable activities and scenarios.
In settings with extreme trust and understanding, it is possible to agree to no safeword. This also means that a very experienced dom is needed to feel the sub, and her limits, and don’t push the limits too far.
It’s also important to note that “no-limits” is not for everyone, and it’s essential to have open and honest communication with your partner to determine if it would be right for your relationship. It’s critical to remember that “no-limits” should always be consensual and given by a sub and not demanded by the dom to set the right expectations and don’t pressure the submissive into “no-limits”.
No-Limits can also be in connection with 24/7, TPE, or EPE, as it is upon the partners to decide in which settings the no-limits apply and how much power the submissive is willing to give the dominant inside and outside set scenes, life, etc.