Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions


What is expected of me?

I expect honesty, transparency and also openness. The basis for a working D/S relationship is trust and also respect and I will always uphold that. Once a meta-consent is given, I also expect full obedience, willingness to learn and also adherence to the agreed terms.

Will there be a contract?

For chosen women there will be a contract granting them a physical prove of ownership and rights. This contract will be only handed to subs if and when they deserve it. Terms of this contract will be presented beforehand and are unique to every sub.

Why do you ask for a BMI, height and weight?

As you might have guessed from my kinks, there is a preference for thin and lean bodies. I don’t mean to be disrespectful to others or shame someone – It is just a fetish I have and this is my reason to ask for the BMI as an indicator.

What if I don't meet some requirements?

The requirements help me to better get a picture of a women who applies. They are all factors that play a role on who will be mentored, introduced, trained and then finally chosen.

Do you also introduce women to BDSM?

In some cases I make exceptions to provide a safe start for women into the BDSM world with an experienced dom. Please reach out to me and tell me a little about you and why I should support your ambition personally.

How do you choose the right one?

I am also romantic and a passionate man. This website, the content, the application form and also all the details help to sort out the women who don’t fit my spectrum. Still everything boils down to “Do we like each other?”, “Is there a spark?” and the question about the chemistry.

Do you want to commit in a long-term relationship?

YES, Definitely – I am only looking for something more long term. Once because I am also a romantic, second because it usually takes time to get to know each other, to understand the fetishes, to really train someone and also to get deeper into the darker fantasies.

What happens if we don't like each other or if I want to break up?

I always work on a meta-consent. This can be verbally at the beginning and later by contract. There are clear clauses on when to inform and terminate the D/S relationship, but without meta-consent there will be an automatic ending.

Are there safe-words?

Depending on power-dynamic and role there can be safe-words in place. This is depending on experience, training, dynamic and my judgement.

RACK, SSC and other safety?

I generally follow the RACK rules as SCC limits some different plays. Please look at the resources to find more about the different concepts.